Often times, people wonder what is a personal loan? To put it simply, a personal loan is a kind of unsecured loan that people take up on a short to medium term basis. Unlike banks, personal loan from licensed moneylenders does not require any form of security or collateral, and they will also not ask for the reasons for taking up a personal loan. In addition, licensed moneylenders in Singapore are less strict with the loan requirements when compared with banks. Licensed moneylenders specialize in small amount of loans and are still able to approve the loan even if the lender has an unfavourable credit rating. Furthermore, the processing time taken by the licensed moneylenders to approve a loan is much quicker than banks.
The next question would be when should a personal loan be taken? Well, there are times when cash is running low and you still have some outstanding expenses to pay off before its due date, such as credit card bills, school fees, etc. Or it could be that you require the extra cash for a financial emergency or to finance your dream wedding or take a well-deserved holiday. In these circumstances, taking up personal loan is the best option.
If you are looking for a Personal Loan, you have come to the right place at Happy Cash. Whether you require extra cash for a financial emergency or to finance your dream wedding, Happy Cash is here to assist you. At Happy Cash, you can get loan of up to 4 times your monthly salary and have the option to choose from our flexible repayment schemes (weekly, fortnightly or monthly).
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